Monday, April 28, 2008

On the sidewalks of New York

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Over the weekend, I concluded the viewing of the Emmy award- winning PBS series, New York: A Documentary Film, courtesy of Netflix. Produced and directed by Ric Burns (brother of Ken), the series of seven episodes thoughtfully passes on the story of New York from the early days of Dutch settlements through the building of the Erie Canal to the city as a domestic and international hub of commerce and finance.
A compelling and poignant documentary, the epic film sets off swiftly. With the advances in photography and moving picture capabilities, the sequences slow to incorporate remarkable footage of citizens, places and events over the years.
An eighth episode was added following the tragic and appalling events of September 11, 2001 which details the production and eventual devastation of the World Trade Center.
If you are a guest to or a dweller of New York, or perhaps just inquisitive, you will find this series captivating. However, show patience; the series requires a total of sixteen hours including the 8th episode to observe.

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