Saturday, December 5, 2015

Jacksonville Arts & Antiques Show '15

Fresh in from a trip to China and heading out once again for Brazil, Alexa Hampton gave an informational, humorous and quite honest lecture at this year's show. Gleaned from her commentary: 
  • Avoid corner niches; they only serve to collect "stuff".
  • Lower the wainscoting in rooms to create a taller feel to the space. 
  • Consider patterned curtains after years of linen panels everywhere. 
  • Alexa is sensitive to the psychological aspects of design, more specifically how each element and detail in the space will feel and be perceived.

Love her hair. 
photo source

Prior to Ms. Hampton speaking, a heart-warming story of the separation of two local twins who had been born conjoined was presented. Proceeds from the show benefit the Wolfson Children's Hospital where the highly successful procedure took place.

My eye was drawn to an exhibit of Museum Bees.  Created from small pieces of repurposed framing material surrounding an embellishment of bees and other treasures, these miniatures are unique! 

Additionally, Juli Catlin, a local designer and William Nash, a restorer of furnishings gave an interesting lecture on the evolution of architecture styles in Florida over the years. Always worth it to stick around and listen to these two speak.

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